Against the capitalistic, neofascist, presidentialist, federalist and interventionist regime
Let us oppose to the bourgeois representative institutions the representative institutions of the masses supporting the socialism

On the occasion of the regional elections of the 28 and 29 March it is our duty of class and revolutionary to confirm some political truths that any other party has ever had the courage and the interest to say. The rigid black-out of the media of the right and of the bourgeois "left" on the PMLI and "Il Bolscevico" it has not allowed us until here to make to know these truths to all the Italian people.
With trust we submit these political truths to the attention of the women and the men electors, particularly to those of left, so that they esteem if it should not be the case to do them their own, to deny the vote to the parties that hide them, to give the vote, abstaining, to the PMLI and his proposal of united, red and socialist Italy.
The parties of the bourgeois right, don't naturally have some interest to clear up the mystery, because they are that has created, in first person and in greater measure, the actual state, institutional, constitutional, government and electoral system. The parties of the bourgeois "left", that go from the PD to the PRC-PdCI, they cannot report the nature of such system instead, because they also have the finger in the pie.
They all deny that in Italy a capitalistic regime is in force, neofascist, presidentialist, federalist, racist and interventionist. This regime is the cause of the low wages and pensions, the high rates and prices, the expensive rents, the poverty of millions of families who are unable to reach the third week, the unemployment of mass, the dismissals and the factories closures, the lack of popular houses, the drift of the South of Italy, the regional unbalances, the presence of the Mafias in the institutions, in the governments, in the finance and in the economy, the illegal employment, the precarious job, the ultra-power of the masters as those of the Fiat that they do and they undo as it seems them on the skin of the workers, the economic and financial crises as that devastating one in progress, the insufficient social services for the women, the children and the elderly, the disparity between women and men, the violence against the women, especially in the home, the attack to the abortion, to the divorce and the heterologous reproduction, the heavy drugs that devastate the mind and the physicist of the young people, the devastation of the environment, the use of the nuclear, the regasification plants and the incinerators, the privatization of the water and of the education, the "great works", among which the Bridge of Messina and the Tav of the Val Susa, the racism toward the migrants, the without-roof, the homosexuals, the lesbians and the transgenders, the bed health, the corruption and the scandals, the interference of the Vatican and the Italian bishops' conference in the business of the State, especially in those that concern the ethics, the morality and the sexuality, the military interventionism abroad, the privatization of the Civil Protection and of the supply of the Defense, the fragmentation of Italy in 20 statelets.
The main supporter and implementer of the regime it is the neoduce Berlusconi, who from fifteen years is implementing step by step the coup and fascist plain of the P2. In domestic politics and in foreign policy, he is following the footsteps of his teacher Mussolini to give a hegemonic role to the Italian imperialism in the Mediterranean and a prominent place in Europe, in the Middle East and in the world.
This regime also bears the imprint of the parties of the bourgeois "left", that have contributed, somehow, directly or indirectly, to establish it, especially as regards the federalism, see the title V of the Constitution imposed by the government of "center-left", and the military interventionism, see the war of the government of D'Alema on ex Yugoslavia. They have left field open to the new Mussolini not launching any law on the conflict of interest and not daring to appeal to the streets to overthrow him. Even they are willing, who more who less, the PD more, to cooperate with him for the constitutional "reforms", that will cancel entirely the Constitution of the '48, already reduced to torn paper.
As they show the facts, the governments of the bourgeois "left" they absolutely are not antagonist to this regime. They just want soften it and to mitigate its most indigestible aspects to have the consent of the masses of left. Therefore any vote given to one of its parties it is a vote given to this regime, independently from a different intention.
The Marxists-Leninists want to demolish it through the struggle of class that inevitably will lead in the socialist revolution. The socialism, in fact, is the only alternative to go out left from this regime. Because only the socialism, as the whole political, government, economic and institutional power is in the hands of the proletariat, it is able to sweep away the capitalism, the fascism, the presidentialism, the federalism, the racism and the interventionism, to satisfy the material and cultural needs of the masses and to create the conditions for the abolition of the classes.
Meanwhile it is necessary to free ourselves from every electoral, parliamentary, government, constitutional, reformist and pacifist illusion, to abstain in order to delegitimize, to isolate, to weaken and to break up the representative institutions of the bourgeoisie and to express our consent to the PMLI and the socialism, to fight against the governments of bourgeoisie of right or of "left", focusing attention on the destruction of the government of the neoduce Berlusconi.
It is also necessary to oppose to the representative institutions of the bourgeoisie (parliament, regional, provincial and municipal councils) the representative institutions of the masses supporting the socialism, that include the Popular Committees and the Popular Assemblies based on the direct democracy.
The Popular Committees have to be composed in equal footing of women and men, who have at least 16 years, elected by open vote on a mandate revocable in any time by the Popular Assemblies. These must be constituted in each district by all the inhabitants there resident - the 14 years girls and boys included - who declare to be abstentionists and supporters of the socialism.
The fundamental purpose of these Committees and these Assemblies is that to lead the masses of their own territory, also those people who are not abstentionists and supporters of the socialism, in the political struggle to obtain from the central and the local governments works, measures and actions that improve the conditions of life and that give the self-management of the health and social services and the social, recreative and sporting centers of public character to the people.
All what we lack and of which we have need, we have to earn it fighting united, not giving an unlimited delegation to anybody and not trusting in the institutions, in the governments and in the parties of this regime. We must rely on our strengths to upset sky and earth. We have a new world to win, the electoral abstension (to desert the polls, to make void the voting-paper or to leave it blank) and the representative institutions of the masses supporting the socialism give us a good hand.
Abstentionists of left, unite you in the Teams to spread the abstension!
Abstentionists of left, unite you in the representative institutions of the masses supporting the socialism!
Abstentionists of left, unite you under the red flags of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and of the PMLI to overthrow the capitalism and to win the united, red and socialist Italy!
Let us fight with courage and zeal to win electoral abstentionist votes to the PMLI and the socialism!
Let us overthrow the government of the neoduce Berlusconi!
With the Masters and the PMLI we will win!

The Central Committee of the PMLI

Florence, 12 February 2010