Scuderi: Let us support the Islamic State against the imperialist holy alliance
An imperialist holy alliance is born to fight and destroy the Islamic State fighting against imperialism. Of course, the PMLI cannot be part of it.
Our natural stand point is together with those who fight against imperialism, that is the common enemy of all the peoples of the world.
The Islamic State does not want imperialism to be the master of Iraq, Syria, Middle East, North and Central Africa, Afghanistan and Yemen. We do not want it either, therefore we cannot but support it. As said again by the Political Bureau in its historic document issued on 10 January, “Every people has the right to self-determination, to independence, and to settle their internal contradictions by themselves.”
An immense gulf divides us from the Islamic State in the spheres of ideology, culture, tactics and strategy, and we do not agree with all its fighting methods, actions and goals. But we have an essential point in common—the unwavering struggle against imperialism. This point at the moment transcends any other difference that may exist, and it is the pivot of our de facto anti-imperialist alliance.
Alliances are made with the forces currently on the field, regardless of their characteristics, ideologies and strategies. These forces are as they are, we cannot shape them as we see fit, after abstract models. They depend on existing circumstances and on the main contradictions in a certain moment.
Just as Stalin allied with US and British imperialists to defeat Germany’s aggressive imperialism, just as Mao allied with the Kuomintang nationalists to force Japanese imperialist aggressors out of China, so we must necessarily ally with the Islamic State, otherwise we will side with imperialist aggressors. There is no other anti-imperialist alternative, including neutrality. Moreover, this is happening in a moment when inter-imperialist contradictions are sharpening over the control of Syria and Iraq, possibly leading to a world war that we oppose with all our strength.
We are on the side of all the peoples fighting for national liberation, starting from the Palestinian people who fight against Israel’s Zionist, Nazi and imperialist invaders. And we support their ongoing Intifada. At the same time, we condemn the state massacre in Ankara against the Kurdish people.
New Duce Renzi’s Italy is part of the imperialist holy alliance, it has a military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it is ready to use Tornado fighters to bomb the Islamic State in the territory it has taken away from Iraq. It is only waiting to have in return the prize it is longing for—the leadership of the military mission in Libya.
We must oppose it in any possible way, denouncing it on “Il Bolscevico”, in workplaces, schools, universities, cities and squares. We must convince our people to refuse to be cannon fodder for Italian imperialism. In case Italy should take part at a possible world war, we must convince our people to rise in arms, if necessary, to prevent it.
Imperialism is showing all its claws, it is right for people who do not want to be dominated by imperialism to do the same.
Down with imperialism and imperialist wars!
Long live the struggles for liberation and the struggles of oppressed peoples and nations!
Let us support anti-imperialist Islamic movements!
Long live proletarian internationalism!
Let us overthrow New Duce Renzi’s imperialist and interventionist government!
United, filled with fighting spirit, with the Teachers and the PMLI we shall win!
(Excerpts from the opening speech by Giovanni Scuderi, General Secretary of the Italian Marxist-Leninist Party, at the 5th Plenary Session of the 5th Party Central Committee, held in Florence on 11 October 2015)
15 ottobre 2015