The Monti government representing high finance and the EU is carryirng out a social massacre - Let's get rid of it!
Only socialism will save Italy |
From pan to fire. Or more precisely: from the dictatorship of the new duce Berlusconi, to the dictatorship of high finance and the European Union (EU). This is what has occurred after the establishment of the Monti government. Monti is the direct expression of the international lobbies such as the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the American bank Goldman Sachs, and the Bruegel group. These capitalist groups are directly influencing the formation of governments and the political choices of various capitalist countries.
In 1994 the Italian right-wing bourgeoisie, with the blessing of the Confindustria (the national employers' organisation) and the Vatican, turned to Berlusconi in order to stabilise capitalism, to prevent the "left-wing" bourgeoisie from forming a government, and to complete the neo-fascist, presidentialist and federalist second republic, according to the project of the P2.
Now the entire Italian bourgeoisie, prompted by international and national high finance, by the EU and by the Central European Bank, has turned to Mario Monti in order to get Italy out of this unprecedented economic and financial crisis, making the working classes and the masses pay for everything, and destroying every political, social, economic and trade union achievement the masses had managed to conquer since post-war times.
From a coarse and vulgar capitalist and neo-fascist Mussolini-style regime Italy has now changed into a more Anglo-saxon "refined" sort of regime, but the substance has not altered. In fact, Berlusconi was quick to declare that "with Monti we are in good hands .... the government has started off very well"-
There is no doubt that Giorgio Napolitano - our new Vittorio Emanuele III - when he imposed the Monti government upon Italy, skipping all the constitutional procedures and trampling on the rules of bourgeois democracy, did in fact inaugurate the presidential republic which Berlusconi had been pursuing for years. A further fact confirming (if needed) that when the bourgeois dominating class confronts an "emergency" it does not bother to go by the rules; either they opt for a violent coup d'etat, or for a non-violent "white" coup. In both cases the governments are not determined by electoral results, but by more or less occult capitalist powers.
Even the composition of the government - bankers, high officials, top level state bureaucrats, university barons, technocrats, university professors, personalities closely connected with the Vatican, with Confindustria , with great national newspapers such as Corriere della Sera - goes to show that we are definitely in a neofascist regime, distant light years from the bourgeois democratic representative institutions. In the Ministry of Defence,for the first time in the history of the Italian Parliament since the Second World War there is a high-ranking official; Admiral Giampaolo di Paola, up to 19 Nov 2011 Chairman of the Nato Military Committee, and ex Chief of Defence. The Ministry of Economic Development, merged with the previous Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport, is in the hands of Corrado Passera, formerly Italy's greatest banker, with an income of more than 6 million euro per year.
In view of the above it does not surprise us that the Vatican has immediately given its blessing, through the Secretary of State, Tarcisio Bertone, who said: "A great team, for which I wish every success in their work".
The programme presented by Monti to the Parliament has a clearly capitalist and liberal stamp, it is coherent with the impositions issued to Italy by the European Union and the ECB, impositions the implementation of which had already been started by the Berlusconi government. There is thus no discontinuity.
Privatisations, liberalisations, cuts in public expenses, cuts in pensions (will everybody have to convert to the contributive system, will the old age and seniority pension scheme be abolished?), the "reform" of the "labour market", free enterprise, depriving the national labour contract of any efficacy , the Mussolinian industrial relations model introduced by Marchionne, the destruction of the national public education system introduced by the Gelmini "reform". The balanced budget amendment in the Constitution - on which they are now asking that a private firm should survey the implementation - fiscal federalism, the re-introduction of the ICI (resident property tax ), the selling off of public assets, the involvement of private capital in infrastructure, a possible new national financial operation for 20 billion, easy dismissals for newly employed according to the recipe of the economist Piero Ichino (PD). For young people "mobility on a European level", i.e. Emigration.
Not one word spent on Southern Italy (Mezzogiorno), on how to protect our territory from the menace of unregulated downpour of cement, or on the education system. Not one word on the reduction of military expenses, or on "le grandi opere" - large-scale infrastructure projects . Not one word on the taxation of annuities or on financial transactions. Only some muttered word on a patrimonial tax.
When you also consider that the new Minister for the Environment, Land and Sea, Corrado Clini, has pronounced himself in favour of the TAV in Val di Sousa, of the bridge over the Strait of Messina, for nuclear power and GMOs, you really want to throw up your hands in despair. It's enough to make one throw up one's hands in despair.
From what we have seen so far it seems more than certain that this government will go ahead without hesitation - although with attention and graduality - with this social and institutional , massacre. It will demolish the remainders of the "social state" and continue reducing bourgeois democratic rights. The behaviour of the Berlusconi government will be carried on, crushing the rebellion of the masses, as it already did on the very day it obtained the vote of confidence of the Senate, when the police violently clubbed down an anti-government student demonstration.
Monti has declared that the sacrifices will be "fair". That's a collossal lie. Sacrifices are sacrifices, and never fair under capitalism, because the only ones who have to sacrifice anything are the workers, the pensioners, and the masses. Sacrifices are required to enrich the owners and employers, bankers and financiers, and to increase capitalist profits.
Generally speaking we do not think it useful to stipulate labour agreements with boureois governments, and with this government less than ever. We are therefore against the "social pact" proposed by Bonanni's CISL and by Angeletti's UIL, and also against the "new citizen's pact" proposed by right-wing reformist Susanna Camusso's CGIL. The latter has , in order not to disturb Monti, shamefully cancelled the demonstration planned to take place on 3 December in Piazza San Giovanni in Rome.
On the contrary, it is necessary to oppose this government and to fight it vigorously, both politically and through the trade unions in the streets, giving it no respite. The sooner we get rid of this government, the better it is, not only for the masses, but also for the bourgeois democracy.
Monti, some time before he became prime minister, had declared "enough of this ominous marxist influence" and its "archaic style of claiming rights, which is a great obstacle to the reforms, as we have recently seen in connection with the two important reforms of Mariastella Gelmini and Sergio Marchionne. Thanks to their determination, they will reduce Italy's disability in the fields of education and research, and in the production of automobiles."(Corriere della Sera, 2 January 2011).
Those who wanted and have voted and accredited the Monti Government, especially the bourgeois "left", headed by Napolitano and Bersani, have committed a political, social and institutional crime, and they will have to account for it to the proletariat and to history. The same goes for the neoliberal leader of SEL, Vendola, and for the leaders of the trotzkist paper "il Manifesto", even though they are not in the Parliament.
The student movement, two whom we send our militant and hearty greetings, understood immediately the class nature, the functions and the goals of the Monti government, and they at once demonstrated in 60 different places in Italy, in order to fight it. The labour movement has certainly got the same awareness, but they delay following the example of the students, because CGIL in the hands of the right-wing reformists, PD, SEL and the inconclusive false communists are blocking their initiative. But sooner or later, as long as the social massacre and the policy of blood sweat and tears continues, this block will give way.
The marxist-leninists, the activists, those who sympathise with the PMLI, will all work towards this goal in the places of work where they are present, and we invite the most aware, well-informed and combative workers to do the same.
In order to get out of this situation we are making two appeals: the first to all political, social, labour, cultural and religious democratic and antifascist organisations to unite for liberating Italy from this government representing high finance and the EU, and who is carrying out a social massacre. The second appeal is for the working class and for the youths desiring social change to abandon any electoralist, parliamentary, governmental, constitutional, reformist and pacifist illusion they might have, and to dedicate all their intellectual, political, organisational and moral strength to PMLI, in order to bring to an end the class struggle against capitalism, and in order to establish a united, red and socialist Italy.
With the Masters and with the PMLI we will win!
The Political Bureau of the PMLI
Florence, 19 November 2011